
Mariahsachin Authority of the Believer

This class is designed to help you find a sweet sweet conversation with the Trinity.

This page is in reverse order.

Homework for the week.

last week will be lower and this week will be first.

Sixth Class Homework

Next week we will be exploring Seeds and harvest

Feet Shod with the Gospel - The Word (Jesus and the bible are both the Word)
As we shod our feet to the clear understanding of the love and gift of the gospel, undeserving but freely given. To know Jesus is to lead and help you at all times, day and night. To walk with you and talk with you as an intimate friend yet He is also the most-high God. This is the hour to do the good works prepared for you before time began and to spread the good news. Tell others it is time to make a choice to live or die and decide where you will spend eternity. Come join us in heaven for now let us walk the walk on earth and run our race to the end spreading the Good News. Jesus Christ is the Messiah. The Word tells us that wherever our feet step, we fly over or go on with a boat we claim the land for the kingdom and spread Holy Spirit anointing over it. Praise the Lord. The Kingdom is expanding into every spider hole. And all will have the opportunity to receive the Lord as their Savior.

Fifth Class Homework

Homework to understand the pieces of armor

The Sword is in your mouth and your pen. It allows you to rebuke the enemy of our soul. To decree, declare and prophesied to all even the rocks. It is important to stand up to evil. In the name of Jesus. Learn this through the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Ask him many questions and expect an answer. Stand on the word of the Lord. Hold it in your heart and it will come out your mouth as a sword. For what is in your heart will come out your mouth. For example, fear you are a liar, be gone in the name of Jesus. We were given an interpreter, in the engagement ring, of the Comforter. The Holy Spirit will spring into action on your behalf for any request at the drop of a hat. The Holy Spirit will speak to you in countless ways if you are looking for it. The Sword of the Spirit is a double-edge sword, ready to heal and kill, to lose and bind, to cut through evil and expose Truth. We must use these tools that God provided us. We must believe the promises of God over and doubt. As we drink to our fill, the abundance of the living God
wraps around us and solidifies our awareness of his temple within us. We realize that we are not waiting on Him but He is waiting on us. We need to take the shackles off ourselves and do our good works for the kingdom. Through the Holy Spirit and the Resurrection Power of Jesus you can do anything He asks you to do. With this armor and Jesus, you are ready, equipped and more than able. Don’t do it on your power but with His power and you will be successful. Praise is a weapon Praise the Lord always.

Fourth Class Homework

Reflect on how Jesus is your armor

There are at least 10 armors and these are 2 for this week

Get to see them in your life

Shield of Faith and Wrist Guards, For us to take up the Shield of Faith is to stand in our belief that God is unlimited and will fulfill His promises. For this, we must know what His promises are. We see the fruits and gifts in His will for us now. We engage our faith to pray the big prayers and know His will is possible. We must ask to receive it. God is RE-creating in the creation of each day. As the Truth of Faith extinguishes the flames and schemes of the enemy, we can no longer see the idols of this time as harmless. We must speak to them. We must send our angel armies to tear down the strongholds and replace them with the Holy Spirit anointing. We understand that we have the power through the resurrection and the inheritance of Christ. We must have that courage to teach our children, so they see purpose and their purpose. The Shield of Faith allows God to set your destiny for you. The wrist guards show your character, are you bold, courageous, faithful, discerning? As you lift up your hand and fling off the arrows of evil you say in Psalm 91 the Lord tells me a thousand (viruses, sicknesses, evil schemes) may fall at your side, ten thousand (lies, trickeries, confusions) at your right hand, but it will not come near me. For the Lord will command His angels concerning me, to guard me, in all my ways. Because He loves me and I am His.

Third Class Homework

Reflect on how Jesus is your armor

There are at least 10 armors and these are 2 for this week

Get to see them in your life

Breastplate of Righteousness - The righteousness cannot be earned. It can only be given by Jesus through his sacrifice. We are righteous. White as snow. Not by our actions but by Jesus’ actions. The free gift of healing the divide between Heaven and Earth. Now restored. The breastplate of righteousness places you in a right relationship with the Trinity. It covers your lungs and your heart to protect your soul and your spirit. We stand in righteousness so we are protected from temptation — We must declare and decree it away. We rebuke the enemy at any sign he is in action. Using the name of Jesus. The enemy and his demons must flee. Praise the Lord. As Elisha prayed, and said, “LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young servant man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” I too pray your eyes and hears are open to hear and see all the Lord would want you to hear and see of the Kingdom on earth now. Be blessed in this and all the armor.

Second Class Homework

Reflect on how Jesus is your armor

There are at least 10 armors and these are 2 for this week

Get to see them in your life


Banner of Jesus, Jehovah Nissi you are our banner of Lord. In Exodus 17:15 “you delivered your people, you were the provision, you went ahead of them and cleared behind them.” (I) know Jesus has a pro-vision of (me). He knows the plans He has for me. I declare, “You are my God and you do deliver me with abundance and clear good vision of my future. Show me your glory and your character. Lead me to be more like You Lord, every day. I trust in your oh my God.”

Mantel of Glory and Good Works We are moving into the days of glory, The new missionary’s and traveling preachers will be wearing light spring green, for the Lord is doing a new thing in our time, the Green Brigade is going forth proclaiming the glory of God is all around us. (I) proclaim to the trees and the rock and the deer and the chicken. God is good. Jesus heals and the glory of God is all around you. Praise the Lord. Titus helps us see we need to be ready to obey and do the good works God has for us. Faith without works is unserviceable. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand. It is our great honor to be of service to the Lord. We save time in each day to allow God to use us and to give the Glory to Him. To allow the miracle to be come forth because you showed up and God could use you. We subdue the earth and multiply. We tend to the animals and watch for an evil to put it down. The enemy cannot take our kingdom land or animals or people. They must flee in the anointing and name of Jesus the name above all names. Amen and Amen, “I agree” and “So it is.” 

If you would like, feel free to email your homework thoughts to me at in subject line; homework

See you next week. Blessings Mary Leonard

Copyright Mary Leonard 2024

First Class Homework

Christ Jesus is the Price. You have a price tag.

Personalize these two pages and then print and frame them for your room.

Research your names and reflect on your baseline personality

Purchased by Jesus Christ the Messiah


Student Name


In the family of Christ

Forevermore a Citizen of Heaven

Heaven bound for eternity


Picture of you


Gifted to Student

Soul Born in the Father God

Loved forevermore

Pro-vision of

Provided for

Gifted with creativity

Spoken to and sung over by God

Forgiven by Jesus

Guided by Holy Spirit

Anointed, appointed, called, heir of Christ

In the army of the Lord and the LORD God


Purchased by Jesus Christ the Messiah

Your Identity

Student Name


 My soul was birthed inside God the Father.

 My days are written in the book of life in heaven.

 My identity is the son of the most high God.

 My parents were chosen for me, for their blessings, to help me in
        my walk with Jesus.

 My life is anointed, appointed and blessed as an heir to Jesus.

 My mission is to love God, love myself and love others.


 I am building my character.

 I am loved.

 I am strong.

 I am courageous.

 I am balanced.

 I am a communicator with authority because I love others.

 I am grounded in the knowledge that God loves me.

 I am grounded in the knowledge that God provides for me.

 I use details to discern and find truth.

 I am blessed because my parents love God and teach me.

 I am quick in mind and have the mind of Christ.

 I help others and share my blessings.

 I have the compassion of Jesus.

The short form of the Armor of God it is Jesus!

Armor of God Explained

Jesus Loves you for the bible tells me so!

Ten Armor Pieces of God

1.     Stand. Stand up straight. Stand strong and firm. Do not let what you see allow yourself to fear. FEAR IS A LIAR! So, stand against, fear always. Then stay!

2.     Price tag purchased by Jesus. The price tag is to be hung above your bed to remind you of your identity all the days of your life. The price, He paid was His sacrifice of blood, sweat and tears. We say, “I plead the blood over all in my life”

3.     God gave you a Belt of truth with the price tag on it. So, you can see He paid for you. You are always His.

4.     Breastplate of Righteousness - The righteousness cannot be earned. It can only be given by Jesus through his sacrifice. We are righteous. White as snow. Not by our actions but by Jesus’ actions. The free gift of healing the divide between Heaven and Earth.

5.     Banner of Jesus, Jehovah Nissi you are our banner of Lord. “You are my God and you do deliver me with abundance and clear good vision of my future. Show me your glory and your character.

6.     Mantal of Glory and Good Works We are moving into the days of glory, The new missionary’s and traveling preachers will be wearing green, for the Lord is doing a new thing in our time and they will be going forth proclaiming the glory of God is all around us. Proclaim the word of the Lord you God.

7.     Shield of Faith and Wrist Guards, For us to take up the Shield of Faith is to stand in our belief that God is unlimited and will fulfill His promises. For this, we must know what His promises are. We see the fruits and gifts in His will for us now.

8.     Feet Shod with the Gospel - The Word (Jesus and the bible are both the Word) 
As we shod our feet to the clear understanding of the love and gift of the gospel, undeserving but freely given.

9.     Helmet of Salvation is to protect your mind. The mind of Christ.

10. Sword is in your mouth and your pen. It allows you to rebuke the enemy of our soul. To decree, declare and prophesied to all even the rocks.

Armor of God Explained

Jesus Loves you for the bible tells me so!

Ephesians Chapter 6 KJV 1-3, 10-18

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 
2 Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; 
3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Ten Armor Pieces of God

1.     Stand. Stand up straight. Stand strong and firm. Do not let what you see allow yourself to fear. FEAR IS A LIAR! So, stand against, fear always. Then stay! God showed me a sewing stay and said, “Stay.” God’s timing is always prefect. His ways are higher and so are His thoughts better. We can stand and stay! Praise the Lord. Learn to stand up, talk and be honorable. Watch and know God is with you always.


2.     Price tag purchased by Jesus. The price tag is to be hung above your bed to remind you of your identity all the days of your life. The price, He paid was His sacrifice of blood, sweat and tears. We say, “I plead the blood over all in my life” Which means the enemy see the blood in the spiritual realm and says “Oh He is off limits. I can’t touch him or his stuff. He belongs to Jesus.” He bled in the garden, the strips, the crown, the pierced side and His death on the cross. So, we thank Him for His love and removing the evil curse from Adam.

3.     God gave you a Belt of truth with the price tag on it. So, you can see He paid for you. You are always His. The belt is to hold all the other armor together. The belt of truth is the truth you received from the heavenly realm. Not the truth of the world, it lies. You are not of the world nor ruled by the world. You are of the heavens and the give of freedom, liberty and God given rights are all yours. The truth in the bible and in the conversing with the Trinity are truth. The Truth is that we are anointed and appointed, priests, kings, and God’s chosen people. Chosen to rule and reign with him on earth as it is in heaven. Not for later but for NOW. For the stones would immediately cry out and the earth awaits to coming of the children of the Lord. All creation a wait in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. You my son are a child of the Lord now. Be revealed.


4.     Breastplate of Righteousness - The righteousness cannot be earned. It can only be given by Jesus through his sacrifice. We are righteous. White as snow. Not by our actions but by Jesus’ actions. The free gift of healing the divide between Heaven and Earth. Now restored. The breastplate of righteousness places you in a right relationship with the Trinity. It covers your lungs and your heart to protect your soul and your spirit. We stand in righteousness so we are protected from temptation — We must declare and decree it away. We rebuke the enemy at any sign he is in action. Using the name of Jesus. The enemy and his demons must flee. Praise the Lord. As Elisha prayed, and said, “LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young servant man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”  I too pray your eyes and hears are open to hear and see all the Lord would want you to hear and see of the Kingdom on earth now. Be blessed in this and all the armor.


5.     Banner of Jesus, Jehovah Nissi you are our banner of Lord. In Exodus 17:15 “you delivered your people, you were the provision, you went ahead of them and cleared behind them.” Benji now Jesus has a pro-vision of you. He knows the plans He has for you. I declare for you Benji, “You are my God and you do deliver me with abundance and clear good vision of my future. Show me your glory and your character. Lead me to be more like You Lord, every day. I trust in your oh my God.”

6.     Mantal of Glory and Good Works We are moving into the days of glory, The new missionary’s and traveling preachers will be wearing green, for the Lord is doing a new thing in our time and they will be going forth proclaiming the glory of God is all around us. Benji proclaim to the trees and the rock and the deer and the chicken. God is good. Jesus heals and The glory of God is all around you. Praise the Lord. Titus helps us see we need to be ready to obey and do the good works God has for us. Faith without works is unserviceable. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand. It is our great honor to be of service to the Lord. We save time in each day to allow God to use us and to give the Glory to Him. To allow the miracle to be coming forth because you showed up and God could use you. We subdue the earth and multiply. We tend to the animals and watch for an evil to put it down. The enemy can’t not take our kingdom land or animals or people. They must flee in the anointing and name of Jesus the name above all names. Amen and Amen, I agree and So it is.


7.     Shield of Faith and Wrist Guards, For us to take up the Shield of Faith is to stand in our belief that God is unlimited and will fulfill His promises. For this, we must know what His promises are. We see the fruits and gifts in His will for us now. We engage our faith to pray the big prayers and know His will is possible. We must ask to receive it. God is RE-creating in the creation of each day. As the Truth of Faith extinguishes the flames and schemes of the enemy, we can no longer see the idols of this time as harmless. We must speak to them. We must send our angel armies to tear down the strongholds and replace them with the Holy Spirit anointing. We understand that we have the power through the resurrection and the inheritance of Christ. We must have that courage to teach our children, so they see purpose and their purpose. The Shield of Faith allows God to set your destiny for you. The wrist guards show your character, are you bold, courageous, faithful, discerning? As you lift up your hand and fling off the arrows of evil you say in Psalm 91 the Lord tells me a thousand (viruses, sicknesses, evil schemes) may fall at your side, ten thousand (lies, trickeries, confusions) at your right hand, but it will not come near me. For the Lord will command His angels concerning me, to guard me, in all my ways. Because He loves me and I am His.


8.     Feet Shod with the Gospel - The Word (Jesus and the bible are both the Word) 
As we shod our feet to the clear understanding of the love and gift of the gospel, undeserving but freely given. To know Jesus is to lead and help you at all times, day and night. To walk with you and talk with you as an intimate friend yet He is also the most-high God. This is the hour to do the good works prepared for you before time began and to spread the good news. Tell others it is time to make a choice to live or die and decide where you will spend eternity. Come join us in heaven for now let us walk the walk on earth and run our race to the end spreading the Good News. Jesus Christ is the Messiah. The Word tells us that wherever our feet step, we fly over or go on with a boat we claim the land for the kingdom and spread Holy Spirit anointing over it. Praise the Lord. The Kingdom is expanding into every spider hole. And all will have the opportunity to receive the Lord as their Savior.


9.     Helmet of Salvation is to protect your mind. The mind of Christ. To let you know that the enemy will try to steal the word and revelation as soon as you get it. Don’t let him. Seal it to your mind with a prayer. Some people feel that the helmet of the knowledge of salvation is where it stops. Others think it is where it starts and ends. It is at the end of this list for a reason. You get the hug from Jesus and then the understanding and then your mission will come from that knowledge. This armor is Jesus’ (arms) around you visible and invisible. And it will stay with you all the days of your life. Learn ways and visit His temple in you. Nurture your relationship with Him. It will be well for you all your days.


10. Sword is in your mouth and your pen. It allows you to rebuke the enemy of our soul. To decree, declare and prophesied to all even the rocks. It is important to stand up to evil. In the name of Jesus. Learn this through the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Ask him many questions and expect an answer. Stand on the word of the Lord. Hold it in your heart and it will come out your mouth as a sword. For what is in your heart will come out your mouth. For example, fear you are a liar, be gone in the name of Jesus. We were given an interpreter, in the engagement ring, of the Comforter. The Holy Spirit will spring into action on your behalf for any request at the drop of a hat. The Holy Spirit will speak to you in countless ways if you are looking for it. The Sword of the Spirit is a double edge sword, ready to heal and kill, to lose and bind, to cut through evil and expose Truth. We must use these tools that God provided us. We must believe the promises of God over and doubt. As we drink to our fill, the abundance of the living God wraps around us and solidifies our awareness of his temple within us. We realize that we are not waiting on Him but He is waiting on us. We need to take the shackles off ourselves and do our good works for the kingdom. Through the Holy Spirit and the Resurrection Power of Jesus you can do anything He asks you to do. With this armor and Jesus, you are ready, equipped and more than able. Don’t do it on your power but with His power and you will be successful. Praise is a weapon Praise the Lord always.


Copyright 2024 Mary Leonard, Mariahsachin

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